This past weekend, 29th and 30th June 2024 270 archers travelled to Archery GB headquarters, at the National Sports Centre, Lillieshall, near Telford, Shropshire.
On the Saturday all archers shot a double 720 ranking round, ranking them for the individual Head to Head matches on the Sunday.
The Sunday introduced a new concept to the H2H matches, something known as Repechage. This format meant that if you lost your match you got a new score sheet and carried on shooting until you lost again when you repeated the process. There were a few teething issues but the format has great promise, in the view of the author, for keeping archers involved all day. This format also means that you end up with a full set of individual rankings from 1 to 64.
At the end of the day 2, two Kent archers found themselves in the Gold medal matches.
Cliff Gadd (Longbow) faced Brian Rosenberg in the mens longbow final. Cliff was victorious taking the match 6 – 2. Congratulation Cliff on yet another UK Masters win.
Ajay Scott faced Kia Thomas-Prause in the mens compound match with Kia taking the match 146 – 147. Ajay continues to go from strength to strength having recently taken part in the last World Cup stage in Antalya. Ajay is one to watch. Well done Ajay.
ArcheryGB may be publishing some highlights of the matches on YouTube. If these appear I will update the post.
The Kent Field Archery events are open to all Kent Archery members.
You can pay for individual days at a cost of £5 per person or a years membership is available, the planned event on the 12th of November is the last this season.
Archers of any age or bow style are welcome so long as you are able to negotiate the woods, it can be slippery, muddy and you will need to climb up hills and over obstacles. Dress appropriately.
Located at Gore Wood, Pett Rd, near Sittingbourne,
If you wish to attend please notify KAF chairman Geoff Barker by emailing,, this is especially important if juniors are attending to ensure the correct shooting distances are set out.
Kent judge Erin Barkway travelled to Archery GB headquarters today to sit and pass her county judges exam. Having taken and passed her practical exam at the Pocahontas Shoot at Gravesend Archers she is immediately promoted to county judge. Well done Erin we never doubted it.
Erin Barkway
We are always in need of judges. If its something you think you would be interested in trying judging we can arrange a taster day for You. Please contact the Judging Liason Officer at
On Sunday 15th October a team of 8 field archers from Kent attended a trial inter county field match. The match was hosted by Overton Black Arrows at their spectacular field venue on the side of the South Downs in Kingsclere, Hampshire.
Photo Steve Allam
Teams were to consist of mixed gender by bowstyle, Compound, Recurve, Barebow and English Longbow. Shooting for Kent, archers were chosen from those that had submitted field scores to the county, where:-
Compound :- Chris Horan and Bob Beaney, due to the latest of confirmation no ladies where available
Recurve : Oliver Sandor-Brown, no other recurves that had submitted scores were available
Barebow: Geoff Barker and Tom Williams
English Longbow: Colin Hind, Michael White and Lindsey Coates
The day started bright, cold and dry as teams from Kent, Hampshire and Sussex shot an initial 12 marked target ranking round.
Lindsey Coates shooting down hill – Photo Steve Allam
After the ranking round archers were ranked in 1st, 2nd,3rd and 4th by bow style and county. Archers then shoot a 4 target head to head match against the similarly ranked archers and bow style from the other counties. After 2 targets the lowest scoring archer dropped out, if we had a tie then a single arrow shot off would have been required. After 3 targets the next lowest scoring archer dropped out leaving us with 2 archers to shoot the final target. points where awarded to each county depending on their placing after the head 2 head matches.
Because of the mixed number of archers available from each county, some matches included more than 1 archer from a county. The results for Kent where:
Longbow Match 1 – Michael White 1st
Longbow Match 2 – Lindsey Coates 1st, Colin Hind 2nd
Compound Match 1 – Chris Horan 2nd and Bob Beaney 3rd
Recurve Match 1 – Oliver Sandor-Brown 4th
Kent places 2nd behind Hampshire
Thank you to all those attended.
Keep an eye on this website for have ago field archery sessions next year as well as information about the Kent Field Archery days that are held at Gore Wood, near Sittingbourne during the outdoor season. Kent are actively trying to arrange inter county team field matches. To be in with a chance to compete in these submit your scores via Golden Record. If you don’t have a Golden Records account contact the Kent Records officer at
Kent, Sussex and Hampshire teams – Photo from Steve AllamPhoto – Steve AllamPhoto – Steve AllamPhoto – Steve Allam
This weekend, Exmouth Archers hosted the English Field Archery championship as part of their annual shoot near Exmouth, Devon.
The shoot consisted of a World Archery, 2 day mixed round, that is 24 targets, 12 with marked distances and 12 with un-marked distances, using the standard black and yellow field faces. Shooting 3 arrows per target, with scoring from 1 to 6. That means 72 arrows per round.
At the end of day 1, Chris, gents compound, lay 2nd with a score of 374, 1 point ahead of Hampshire’s John Foley.
At the end of day 2, Chris had stretched his lead over John to 16 points, cementing his 2nd place.
Congratulation Chris
All pictures courtesy of Chris Horan
Keep an eye on this website for have ago field archery sessions next year as well as information about the Kent Field Archery days that are held at Gore Wood, near Sittingbourne during the outdoor season. Kent are actively trying to arrange inter county team field matches. To be in with a chance to compete in these submit your scores via Golden Record. If you don’t have a Golden Records account contact the Kent Records officer at
At the start September the countries best archers gathered at Wollaton Hall, Nottingham, for the national tour finals. Lining up with the best mens compounds was Kents Ajay Scott(Abbey Bowmen).
Qualifing 3rd Ajay faced Dillion Crow in the first round.
Ajays run to the gold medal match wasn’t the easiest, requiring two single arrow shoot offs, the first of which Erol Flynn would have been proud of, Ajay v Dillion Shoot off.
Up next for Ajay was 2nd placed qualifier Adam Carpenter, Ajay v Adam, after drawing the match 143 each after 15 arrows, Ajay produced another 10 to Adams 9.
Last up was James Mason, Ajay v James, the earlier ends were tight but after a couple of loose arrows James took the win 147 v 144