
Slovenia World 3D Champs 2024 – Cécile Midrouillet

In October, I had the honour of representing Great Britain at the World Archery 3D Championships in Mokrice, Slovenia. This was my second international selection and my first World Championship.

To be completely truthful I had limited expectations.

Firstly, I found the European Championships last year particularly daunting and I recognised the names of several high calibre archers on the entry list from last year’s event, so I knew it was going to be a very competitive field. Then there is the unknown of the delegations you don’t often meet – ie Canada and the US, who have a big tradition of shooting 3D animal targets. I expected them to put in strong performances, especially as they were coming in big numbers.

Secondly, WA 3D has been gaining incredible popularity year on year in the UK, but compared to some of our neighbours (ie, the French), we don’t yet have as many courses available to us to compete in as others might have. To be competitive, often, archers either join NFAS and/or travel to courses in Europe. This also means that it can be challenging to get three qualifying scores.

I’m really grateful that we have access to brilliant courses in SCAS – you’ll no doubt be familiar with Overton and Fort Purbrook – and excited that there are a further two courses in the works for 2025. One being Friars Gate archers, who hosted the Sussex 3D in August and did a brilliant job of it, and are due to put on a 24 target shoot next year. I’m not sure how much I can say about the other course…. they are hoping to acquire a number of targets early in in the New Year so they can start offering monthly informal practice sessions ahead of hosting their own 3D competition. More on that later…

Lastly, on a more personal note, I haven’t been very well leading into the competition and I was having tests done until the Friday before I flew out. All of these things contributed to me going into the competition feeling … incredibly relaxed!

Now onto the event

I travelled on the Sunday before the event with Chris Horan. We arrived at the airport at 3.30 am – and met up with fellow archers James and Sarah for our 6.30 am flight into Zagreb, Croatia. Mokrice is just over the border in Slovenia, so it was far easier and quicker to fly to Zagreb.

Flying with archery kit can be challenging, I would always recommend reading in detail the individual airline policies, as some have a few surprises. I won’t name names, but one for examples lets you fly with a bow, but no arrows. Another will let you fly with both but you have to remove the points from your arrows, another asks for your arrows and bow to be in separate pieces of luggage etc etc. If you have one, it’s a good idea to place an air tag in your luggage, that way you will know if it’s actually made it, or if like in the case of a US compound archer, it never left the aircraft and is now in Istanbul… (you’ll be pleased to know she was reunited with her bow case ahead of official practice and equipment inspection).

Our flight into Zagreb was slightly delayed, but unlike the rest of the team who ended up arriving in the early hours of the morning, only by about half an hour. The logistics with events like these are incredibly complex and rely on crew of people who volunteer their time. Without them there would be no event.

The transport manager overseas the schedule for the volunteers collecting and dropping archers back for their return flight. They will be monitoring your flight, and they will be there waiting for you to get you to your hotel safely – even if it’s the middle of the night.

We were collected by the transport manager himself and after a short minibus ride, we arrived at the hotel late morning and went straight to take photos and collect our accreditation. You are required to be in your official team kit for the photo.

Some of the team met up for lunch briefly and we went to unofficial practice. It gave us a chance to familiarise ourselves with the venue, find our dedicated tent area and check our kit had made it all in one piece. It’s a good time for hygiene checks, ie replacing knocks, checking spare kit etc. Our Team Manager also took note of what kit we would need in case of equipment failure during qualifications. Some archers simply take spare limbs and a different set of arrows, others have a completely spare set up. It’s important to know exactly what is needed as from the moment equipment failure is radio’d in, the 30 min countdown starts. It can take 10 -15 minutes to reach certain part of the course alone.

As well as unofficial practice and accreditation, there is usually a first Team Manager’s meeting the day before the event starts, where key information is provided to the TMs by judges and officials for sharing with their individual delegations.

The entire team, ie Ian, Jed, James, Sarah, Katherine, Romaine and I all met up at dinner and our TM Chris went through housekeeping and key information provided by the officials, including the bus schedule for the next day.

Official practice is usually split in two sessions due to the vast number of participants. It’s done alphabetically. Delegations are allocated a few hours of practice, for which they must wear their official matching kit.

During this time, delegations are called one by one for equipment inspection. Spot checks also take place at random times during the event itself to ensure we remain compliant throughout the week.

It’s also a time when judges expand their portfolio of knowledge by checking what variations of kit archers use.

For example, I was using a new sight for which the manufacturer hadn’t yet produced a sight tape cover, so archers had created their own versions. Some archers had screwed a fletching into the sight bar and were using that to hide their tape whereas I had used a thin strip of grip tape with a small sticky bit at the bottom, which I lifted on and off.

That evening, was also the Opening Ceremony.

Opening with a bang

We had equipment inspection and official practice in the morning so we all got back on the buses from our hotels for lunch and some quiet time. James, Chris and I elected to go to the shop for some ice cream, followed by a bit of ranging practice.

Then it was back on the bus for the opening ceremony. If your practice session was in the afternoon, you simply stayed on site until the evening.

Each delegation had to select a flag bearer – we picked Ian. The ceremony lasted maybe an hour, with some speeches from the officials and judges, as well as an archer who made the pledge on behalf of all participants, to practice fair play and conduct themselves in the spirit of the event. There was then a cultural display and a welcome speech from the Lady of the Castle of Mokrice.

There was then an opportunity to mingle with all other delegations before busing back to the hotels for dinner.

Heading into qualifications

As with all events gathering many people from various backgrounds, lurgies are rife. And it was no different for me as I woke up in the early hours with a sore throat and a cough.

After a quick breakfast we piled on an early bus to the venue for practice and day 1 of qualifications. For me, it was about deciding whether I would shoot my main or spare bow and which arrows seemed to group better and I decided my spare kit worked better.

You’ll be familiar with practice fields at UK shoots. Well, it’s the same at an International event, only busier and with a timing systems set to 2 min. The queue for the line can be 3 people deep, especially on the shorter targets as everyone, sighted and unsighted archers are all vying for space.

I mentioned the competitiveness of the Compound field, but I would be remiss not to mention the unsighted bow types. They came out in force this year, not only were they spread over two of the three courses, but there were also 8 waiting groups! The talent is undeniable. If you’ve watched the finals, you’ll know that they shot with incredible precision.

Practice over, we grabbed our packed lunches, assembled behind our respective pegs and after the customary exchange of handshakes, pins and other goodies that archers bring to swap, we walked out onto the course. Organisers do their best to avoid archers seeing much of the course on the walk outs, but it always pays to keep your eyes peeled on the way, you never know what you will spot. In my case, I managed to spot a very cute hungry kitten on my first target. (No, that was not a foam animal, but a very real kitten that one of the volunteers took home!)

The judges blew their whistles, and we were off. It’s a World Champs so I wasn’t expecting any easy shots but shooting in the UK has served me well. 3D targets are a big investment and we don’t often find that all courses have the largest targets so we’re quite used to shooting middle-ish sized ones at our max distances. That’s very much what we got here. There was one large bear but otherwise, everything long was wolf-size. And boy, was it long! I managed to get one target spectacularly wrong and missed, but followed through with an 11. After day 1, this put me in joint 16th, which is the cut off for elimination matches. Everyone shot well, achieving their objectives.

Back to the hotel after day 1. The hotel has a fantastic waterpark which a few of us took advantage of before going to a pre-dinner team meeting. Facilities are really important for an event of this size. Not least because it’s a lot of people to cater for, but also because we are there to perform so a comfortable night’s sleep, a good shower and food to fuel us and key. They did not disappoint. The food was phenomenal! I’ve heard of events where athletes didn’t quite have access to enough food or ran out of protein (oh, erm Paris Olympics), but not here. Everything was top notch.

During the pre-dinner team meeting, Chris provided a further update from the officials, the bus schedule and we shared tips and impressions of our respective courses, so that those shooting it in day 2 knew what to expect.

For day 2, archers are ranked according to their scores, so I shot with a couple new target companions. This second day, the course was shorter but far more technical than day 1 with some very dark targets in the woods shot from a sunny position, meaning they were near on impossible to see, to steep up and downs. It all felt very.. familiar. Think of a mix between Pentref and Overton.

I made it through to eliminations

I ended up shooting a little better than day 2 and climbing up a couple places to secure my space in the eliminations.

It was then back to the hotel for a debrief over dinner, and going through mixed team and team rounds rules ahead of the next day. While a number of us weren’t shooting that day, we all elected to get on an early bus to support those who were and proudly watched Jed and Sarah make it through to the final.

Individual eliminations were planned for the next day and I had limited expectations. I was to shoot against the third seed, Elodie Barret from France. Logically I wasn’t expected to win that match.

I wasn’t due to shoot until the afternoon but (unlike my competitor), I caught an early bus to watch Jed and Ian in the eliminations. This allowed me to have an early look at the elimination course ahead of my own first match. Both courses 1 and 2 were side by side, but having limited expectations, I didn’t bother looking at the second course. And that would end up being my biggest mistake of the week.

Finally, it came time for me to shoot against the third seed. Eliminations go incredibly quickly. Your time goes down to 90 seconds to range and shoot your two arrows so there is no time to spare. You might see photos with a judge holding a yellow card, that’s to indicate there are 30 seconds remaining. At that point, you want to have shot your first arrow already. I channelled my inner Gary Cole, whose advice was to ‘pick a number and just shoot’. I may have a case of slightly over thinking things… My opponent’s support team had a timer, which we could both hear when she was shooting so we also knew by sound when we got to 30 seconds. Is it legal? I wasn’t complaining either way.

When you shoot eliminations, you are again in a group of 4, meaning there are two matches taking place at the same time, one from each bracket. Unfortunately, the archers from the same match always shoot first on each target. It can be advantageous to be in the second bracket as you always shoot second, giving you more time. Unfortunately, I was in the first bracket, so there really was no time to think.

Instead of ranking each individual target, I kept glancing around as I retrieved my arrows and others were shooting, to gage how much I had to add/take out for my next target. This served me well and I ended up only requiring only a hit on my last arrow to win the match. Which I realised, promptly panicked, and promptly dropped my arm. To shoot a 5. Phew.

That’s when it dawned on me that I really should have checked course 2 out, because I immediately moved into my next match without any time to prep. I was shooting very well up until I came to that same animal I had missed on day 1 of qualification. I couldn’t see its legs and I had a decision to make. Shoot it off 36m, the same as the longest shot in my first match, or shoot it on 41. I picked wrong and missed. I shot my 2nd arrow off 36m and hit it dead centre. My opponent breathed a big sign of relief. At that level, there’s no coming back from those kind of mistakes. She ended up winning Bronze and I finished in 8th place.

Would I have made it into the semis, were it not for this mistake? Possibly, possibly not. I would have definitely gleaned a few places though. This comes down to experience. Had I split it down the middle, I would have hit an 8.

That is a lesson learned – always, always back yourself. And prepare for all scenarios. Turning up early to look at the matches was a good move, but I really should have looked at both courses, just to be on the safe side.

On the positive side, I could now focus on cheering Jed and Ian on, and also our archer friends from other countries.

Finals day

It was another early start with buses starting from 7.20 am.

Unsighted archers shot in the morning, with compound archers last.

If you haven’t had the chance to watch the matches yet, they are nail biting! Almost every single one was decided on the final target, including Ian and Jed’s. You might even catch me in floods of tears as they were both crowned World Champions.

There was an especially dramatic moment early afternoon when a barebow archer from Italy shot the wrong last target, which cost her the match. I suspect that the coach, who had been on the field that morning with other archers, didn’t realise that another target had been selected for the afternoon sessions. But watch and see for yourself.

The final was well attended, as it should be, with the President of the Republic of Slovenia coming to watch the compound matches and give a closing speech!

Once the matched were over, it was time to thank all the volunteers and congratulate all the winners, before, you guessed it, busing it back to the hotels.

Dinner was a buffet with all archers and officials, followed by a dance. Some delegations had transfers back to the airport as early as 2.30 am, and others a 17 hour drive back, so it was a short celebration for some.

What struck me once again, is how collegiate the whole event was. Yes, there was absolute focus from all the participants, but there was also support across delegations and friendship, and banter. Field Archers are some of the friendliest athletes around, but 3D archers are on a whole other level.

Another observation is the popularity of unsighted bows. I have never seen such a large gathering, and the competition level was unreal. There were no guarantees who would win the event, it was anyone’s game, such was the depth of field.

Lastly, 3D does tend to skew slightly older, with the oldest participant being 74 years old! 3D archery really is for everyone and there clearly is no time limit on being competitive.

What next?

I wish I’d been on that finals field. And with how I was shooting, I feel like I could have made it through to the final four, were it not for that one rookie mistake. If anything, it’s made me more determined to continue working hard next year and go to the Europeans in Serbia having closed the gap on my ranging errors.

I have looked at the calendar for next year and there are more shoots in the UK than there have ever been, but I will also be incorporating trips across the channel into my training programme. Bring on Belgrade 2025!

I couldn’t do any of this without mentioning the incredible support I receive. From funding through SCAS, to the companies that support me with discounts, and also a long list of individuals who help with mental resilience, equipment set up and generally being really supportive. Thank you to each and every one of you!

Allington Castle White Friars shoot

Allington Castle archers are hosting a UK Record status with Rose Awards York/Hereford and Bristol tournament on Sunday 25th August at their ground at:

Westborough Primary School, Greenway, Maidstone, Kent, ME16 8TL

Further information and and entry can be obtained as a Word Document or as a PDF

Tournament Dates

We have updated the tournament dates on the Home page. Currently we have tournament organisers for the 720 with H2H, a junior tournament, Kent Para champs and the Kent Field champs. We are looking for volunteers to help organise the County Championship on the 18th August and a 1440 with the date TBC.

You can find links to local club events on the clubs tournaments page

Kent Field Championship date

Due to the on going wet weather it has been decided to move the Kent Field championship to a time when hopefully we will have no issues with parking at the site. Those of you that attended last year will be aware of how wet the parking area was and we do not wish to further upset the land owner and risk having no where to park. We will notify the date as soon as confirmed.

31st December 2023 – Last submission date for scores.

Sunday the 31st December 2023 is the last date to submit scores if you want to be considered for selection to shoot for KAA at the upcoming 4 way inter-county indoor match, to be held on Saturday 2nd March 2024 at the Sittingbourne Community College. Submittions must be via Golden Records. If you require an account please contact the records office @

Tenzone Targets @ Ashford Indoor

Tenzone Targets Devastated by Fire

For those of you that shot any of the Kent target events last year you will recall that KAA hired in layered foam targets from Tenzone targets. It was our hope to do so again this year. Sadly Tenzone’s workshop, along with a number of other businesses were destroyed by a fire. This took with it all of their tournament hire bosses, supplies, machinery and current customer orders. Steve is hoping to rebuild the business in time to support the archery community this summer. A lot of tournaments can only run now because they hire in these targets. Locally that includes the Crystal Palace shoot in April. In order to get up and running again as quickly as possible Tenzone have launched a GoFundMe page. If you would like to contribute you can find the page at Tenzone Targets GoFundMe

National titles and medals at the National Indoor

A number of Kent archers landed national titles at this weekends national indoor champions along with other success in both the senior and junior events. All results can be found at Senior Event and Junior Nationals Event.

Senior Longbow Men

Adam Nason-Smith of 1066 Archers in Tenterden qualified 2nd, with a score of 379 behind Noak Hills Harry Cossey with 432. This took Adam in to the last 16 head to head matches, where Adam started by beating 15th seed Cameron MacNaughton 7 – 3. Next up Ben Ledwick who Adam beat 6 – 0. In the semi-finals Adam faced Richard Hudson and in a closely though match he triumphed 6 – 4. In the Final Adam meet first seed Harry Cossey with Adam taking the match 6 – 2.

Congratulations Adam on your first place and national title.

Adam with his trophy – Picture Tony Harris

Senior Compound Men

Two Kent archers competed in this category, Steve Griffiths of Medway archers finished 67th with a score of 550 and Ajay Scott of University of Kent archery. Ajay Scott qualified 7th with a score 587 ahead of some notable names in UK compound archery with many more years of experience.

Up first in the head to head matches Ajay faced Liam Peake, the 26th Qualifier, Ajay took the close match with a score of 146 – 145. Next match Ajay was matched against Luke Frearson with Ajay taking a more comfortable 147 – 138 win. Next opponent for Ajay was No 2 seed Adam Carpenter, in a very close match Ajay pipped Adam with a score of 147 – 145. In the semi-finals Ajay faced 3rd seed James Mason, this match went to the wire with both archers finishing the 15 arrow match on 147. On to the shoot off, which seems to be becoming an Ajay speciality. James could only shoot 9 with Ajay shooting a 10.

In the final Ajay faced no 1 qualifier, and current world no 2, Jozef Bosansky. Jozef took the match 147 – 148 leaving Ajay with 2nd place and the silver medal.


With Jozef not being a UK resident the title of senior national compound indoor champion went to Ajay Scott. Very good shooting and congratulations on your title.

Ajay Scott – Picture Tony Harris

Senior Compound Women

Three Kent archers competed in the senior women’s compound. Hannah Brown of Medway archers qualified 15th with a score of 567. Erin Barkway of Fox archers scored 542 and finished 51st. Competing as a senior, Sittingbourne Community College Archers, Mia McGuane, qualified a superb 3rd, behind the current world number 1 Ella Gibson, with a score of 583.

In the head to head matches Hannah’s first opponent was Phoebe Paterson Pine. Hannah took the match 142 – 137. Next up 2nd seed and world no 32, Izzy Carpenter, sadly Izzy took the win a very tight match 145 – 144. Hannah finished with a joint 9th place over all.

Having qualified 3rd Mia faced 30th seed Lulia Petre, with Mia taking a tight match 140 – 139. Next for Mia was 11th seed Patience Wood, which Mia won 145 – 144. In the semi finals Mia faced the archer that sadly bought Hannah’s run to an end. Once again only a single point separated the archers after 15 arrows with Izzy taking the match 146-145. This put Mia in the bronze medal match against world number 13 Sarah Prieels, with ends of 30-29, 28-30, 28-28, 29-27 and 29-28 Mia took the bronze medal and 3rd place with a score or 144-142. Congratulations Mia

Mia McGuane – Picture from Mia

Junior Nationals medals

With no head to head matches to report on and with your reporter working on packing away the event I am sorry to say at this time I have no pictures of the medal winners. If I receive them I will gladly update this story.

U21 Women’s Longbow

Congratulations to Lara Green of SCCA who finished 2nd and a silver medal with a score of 250

U18 Women’s Longbow

Congratulation to Niamh Kelly-Halabi who took 1st place and the gold medal with a score of 258

U16 Men’s Compound

Congratulations to Evan Clarke of SCCA on his 3rd place and bronze medal with a score of 549

U16 Women’s Barebow

Congratulations to Simona Mockeviciute from EJA on her 3rd place and bronze medal with a score of 302.

U15 Men’s Compound

Congratulations to Baliey Yates of SCCA on his 1st and bronze medal with a score of 442

U15 Women’s Barebow

Congratulations to Imogen Burns from SCCA Archers on her 2nd place and silver medal with a score of 220

U14 Women’s Compound

Congratulations to Maetha Edwards from EJA on her 2nd place and silver medal with a score of 529.

Notes from the KAA AGM

Finally held at Medway Archers on Sunday 19th November with 22 members from 11 clubs and one direct member.

Reports were submitted and discussed and those listed below have been elected for the fort coming year, unfortunately there are vacancies and the committee will be seeking members to fill the gaps, including the Tournament Organisers.  Anybody wanting to fill a gap and undertake a role please be assured that there will be full support to help you.

As it stands we only have one tournament organiser for a senior outdoor tournament so we may be seeking your thoughts on which shoot to hold if we can’t find a TO.

KAA Post Holders 2023 – 24
PositionHolderTournament Organisers
PresidentBob BeaneyChampionshipsVacantLewis Brown has undertaken to one of these shoots.
ChairmanMarc CarrollWA 1440Vacant
SecretarySarah CarrollWA720Vacant
Development OfficerPaul GermaineIndoorVacant
Records OfficerMel BruguierPara TourmamentDelegated to SCCA
Team ManagerHannah BrownCloutDiane Pople currently working to re-establish.
Team Selection Panel memberTony Harris
SCAS rep 1Bob BeaneyJnr TournamentToby Noar
SCAS rep 2Anita Baily
SCAS rep 3VacantN.Dimmock has since declared his willingness to stand again.
Ordinary Member 1Toby Noar
Ordinary Member 2Vacant

County Team Selection Procedure

The county team manager with the assistance of the selection committee and county committee are pleased to publish the procedures that will be followed in selecting all future teams to represent the county at all events.

You can find the procedure as a download from KAA Team Selection procedure.

The following is a list of some known typical submission dates

February indoor match – Dec 31st
March field match – Jan 30th
April outdoor match – February 28th
June outdoor match – April 30th
4-Way field – June 20th
National County Team – July 31st

If you want a Golden Records account in order to submit scores please send an email to

Questions about the selection procedure should be addressed to the county team manager at

Club News

Ashford Archers have a Monthly field shoot open to all AGB members, ever wanted to try Field Archery but dont know where to go? then Ashfords open days at the Priory is just for you. All inexperienced field archers will be paired with someone who knows what they are doing to guide you through the day.

for more information email us at Hope to see you soon at the Priory

Success for Kent archers at the UK Masters

This past weekend, 29th and 30th June 2024 270 archers travelled to Archery GB headquarters, at the National Sports Centre, Lillieshall, near Telford, Shropshire.

On the Saturday all archers shot a double 720 ranking round, ranking them for the individual Head to Head matches on the Sunday.

The Sunday introduced a new concept to the H2H matches, something known as Repechage. This format meant that if you lost your match you got a new score sheet and carried on shooting until you lost again when you repeated the process. There were a few teething issues but the format has great promise, in the view of the author, for keeping archers involved all day. This format also means that you end up with a full set of individual rankings from 1 to 64.

At the end of the day 2, two Kent archers found themselves in the Gold medal matches.

Cliff Gadd (Longbow) faced Brian Rosenberg in the mens longbow final. Cliff was victorious taking the match 6 – 2. Congratulation Cliff on yet another UK Masters win.

Ajay Scott faced Kia Thomas-Prause in the mens compound match with Kia taking the match 146 – 147. Ajay continues to go from strength to strength having recently taken part in the last World Cup stage in Antalya. Ajay is one to watch. Well done Ajay.

ArcheryGB may be publishing some highlights of the matches on YouTube. If these appear I will update the post.

Kent WRS720 with H2Hs – Tournament Results

On Sunday 9th June 2024, 78 archers on 24 targets descended on Vigo to compete in the KAA WRS720 with Matchplay. Thankfully the weather stayed dry, the temperature varied and the wind? Well it started off calm and Vigo being Vigo, it got a bit breezy by the time we got to the head to heads after lunch.

It was a great day with some shooting their first head to head whilst for others it was their first ever tournament with some good results.

Recurve MenGoldRyan HOLDENBowbrook Archers
SilverMatthew MAYSCCA
BronzeKevin LAMBIEHigh Weald Archery Club
Recurve WomenGoldAlex CURRUMSBebington Archers
SilverIsobel LINDSLEY-FROSTRoyal Richmond Archery Club
BronzeNatasha JARMANDover Castle Archers
Compound MenGoldJacek PEDZIWIATRArchery GB
SilverOliver BOURNEArchery GB
BronzeSidney ALDRIDGEDover Castle Archers
Compound WomenGoldMia MCGUANESCCA
SilverMichelle SWORDMedway Archers
BronzeZara GREENMeriden Archery Club
Barebow MenGoldThomas WILLIAMSLeaves Green Bowmen
SilverBarry FRIENDLullingstone Bowmen
BronzeIan SANDERSAllington Castle Archers
Barebow WomenGoldCharlotte KENTBowmen of Darenteford
SilverBronwen COLEGATEGuildford Archery Club
BronzeLaurie WAUGHForest of Bere Bowmen
Longbow MenGoldCliff GADDArchery GB
SilverAdam NASON-SMITH1066 Archery Club
BronzeDavid FLINTSevenoaks Archery Club
Longbow WomenGoldAnn NASON-SMITH1066 Archery Club

Many congratulations to all the medal winners and apologies to the Longbow Men for the lack of photographs.

A BIG thank you to all the archers that entered and an equally big thank you to the Judges and also the volunteers. So until we do it all over again next year in 2025……

Calling all junior archers. KAA needs your scores

KAA hope to be able to submit a team of junior archers for a county match to be held on the 8th June. Archers wishing to be considered for a place should submit their scores no later than the end of May 12th 2024.

Scores, with attached, signed score cards or results sheets, should be submitted via Golden Records. If you would like a Golden records account you can contact the county records officer via