Score Returns

KAA implemented a major change to the way that scores are to be received, in as much that it is now the responsibility of the archer to send in their scores and not the club records officer.

The preferred, and simplest, method of submitting scores to the County is via the Golden Records platform either by smartphone, tablet, or computer.

All scores should be submitted with proof of the result, if the score was shot at a competition then a copy of the result sheet, if at a club target day (club event) then a copy of the signed score sheet, if a practice day then a copy of your own countersigned record. For more guidance see the Golden Records Guidance Notes.

Score submission is open to all KAA members and scores do not need to meet a particular threshold to be entered.

In order to gain access to the KAA section of Golden Records you will need a log in ID which will be sent to you upon request by emailing stating your bow-style, age you turn during the year (or DOB), and AGB number. To view the platform please click on the link below.

If you are unable to use Golden Records you can fill in the KAA Score Return form and send it to the records officer at the same address.


KAA Score Return A paper return form for those not using Golden Records.

Golden Records

Golden Records Guidance Notes