
Latest From KAA

Kent AGM

The KAA AGM is this coming Wednesday and will be held online, to register for the login details please send an email to We hope to see you all there.

Score Submissions

With the season progressing along please remember to submit your scores on the Archr website. for details and access code please contact It is the archers responsibility to ensure that the scores are sent not your club records officer. For those shooting field rounds please continue to use the individual submission form found on the website as these rounds are not on the system yet, but we are lobbying them to include them.


This post has come to you because you are registered on the KAA website, Please forward this round up to all your club members as it is the easiest way to get the information directly to them.

Sign up

To sign up to get the latest news from KAA directly please click on the link and fill in the details on the right. News – Kent Archery Association